Unfriend or anything

Read in Instagram, the word unfriend doesnt even exist before the era of FB. πŸ˜› True enough.

I have to tell everyone, that I am so weak in hating people. I don’t have the heart to hate people.

Though I have never unfriend people from my FB list, I did block some people from accessing my wall, and I had prevented some people’s update from appearing on my wall/timeline, what ever they call it.

Just for a purpose; I don’t want to be in the know. I want to be ignorance. I don’t want to know things about them. I am afraid that news about them will break my heart. It’s not that I don’t wish them happy. I wished for all friends of mine to be happy. I don’t care if I was so sad, I still want them to be happy.

I don’t know if you guys understand the above statement, but, I treasure my friends, unless they don’t want me to be their friends. Then, what could I do on that. I have no full power upon my very own heart, what more upon others.

So, here goes.

Have a nice day. πŸ˜‰