Perkara baik perlu diteruskan!


12-14/12 hari tu saya ke Phnom Penh kan. Alhamdulillah. Presentation takdelah best mana, nervous je lebih kut. Penyakit. Bukan kali pertama pun present paper tapi itulah. Gelenya kata orang kelate. Ada few questions yang ditanya lepas presentation, alhamdulillah, dapat saya jawab walau tergagap seposen dua, what do you expect, I bukan orang putih. πŸ˜€ Ada juga terkeluar Manglish word, the “lah” at the end of my sentence. Halah, jawab pun kat kawan-kawan serantau so, diorang tahulah (kut). Even ada few orang putih pure dari World Bank, ah, they too had been working with ASEAN Member States haruslah diorang faham. Tak faham jugak takpelah.

Some questions are related to the trade facilitation, which I am no that expert but I did know few things, akibat dari banyak sangat mesyuarat, so okaylah, bolehlah jawab. Paling best komen Cambodia, more or less, this was what he said “even Malaysia yang maju pun ada masalah dalam membangunkan Pelan Nasional ni, apatah lagi Cambodia” itulah dapat saya simpulkan. Cambodia punya wakil ni selalu dah meeting sama. HEHE.

So, on weekend I drove to Terengganu! It’s my brother’s wedding day! Okaylah, here’s few photos of that day.

thehah, angah + nor, su… down : ainun, nurul and me
my family πŸ™‚ (we missed mum, though… 😦 )

Overall, things went on pretty well, alhamdulillah. Now we are preparing for a kenduri at our home pula on 28 Dec. Semoga dipermudahkan. InsyaAllah!

So, there.

Have a great day everyone!


Today I am going to Phnom Penh. There’s an invitation from the World Bank (read : fully sponsored) to do a presentation about development of logistics in Malaysia.

The topic was broad, but they had outlined few points that should be highlighted and they limited the time to 15 minutes for each speakers so, of course I was glad. I only prepared 12 pages of slides! πŸ™‚

Anyway, wish me best of luck. I think I would be out of country on a good date, since last year. I guess I was in Seoul on 11.11.11 (where we had the peppero day!) and insyaAllah this afternoon I will be on my flight to Phnom Penh (12.12.12).

Well, it’s just an update to keep this beautiful date. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, life is going on, as good as it could be. I just wish I would be more thankful and grateful for what life has given me. Alhamdulillah.

So, actually I am still nervous about the presentation, my turn is on Friday. Wish me luck?

Oh, by the way, my closest friend, AT is now being posted to Kelantan (our hometown!) I am happy for her, she’s being promoted, and now she’s a Director at one agency in KB. How cool was that? She has 50 people to manage! While I only have one and already sometimes this assistant gets me headache, anyway I wish her luck. I foresee that being a lady boss in a state is one damn scary challenge, but she will get through it! InsyaAllah!

And on Saturday, Paris and I had our own shopping day. Well, actually it was P who shopped till she dropped! I shopped too, but hmmm… okay, well I did some shopping too. πŸ˜› We went to Suria KLCC during the day and spent few hours of early morning (from 12 am-2 am) at the Big Bad Wolf-book shoooopping~~~

I managed to get 12 books at only RM98. I was so sleepy by the time I was done. 😦

So, have a good days!

p.s : My brother is getting married this weekend. All the best to him. Alhamdulillah!